Friday, June 15, 2012

Farewell post

Frankly speaking, I feel sad but "grown-up" if you understand what I mean. It's like school or University Farewell Party when you cry but you're opening a new page of your life. 
It's so wonderful and strange that this course united different people from different parts of the world. Actually I like travelling and I mark the places I traveled on my world map with tiny red flags. Now I've drawn green stars on the countries where you are all from. I dream about traveling to these countries and may be some day we'll meet. It would be splendid!
                                            Thank you, guys, for unbelievable experience!


  1. Hi Marie!
    I like your idea with the map. I hope we'll meet one day or communicate via blogs or mail.
    Wish you all the best, my lovely colleague!

  2. Hi Maria,

    Hopefully your interest in travelling will bring you to my place. Thanks for sharing your ideas and knowledge during the course.

    Good luck for you,

  3. dear Marie,

    Even after the course I'm still communicating with my on-line friends. Yes, you are quite welcome to come to my country any time you wish and to meet up with me. I'll be waiting.

    All the best. Tons of luck,

  4. Hello Marie,

    Let's keep in touch! After you visit Novi and Mena, you (and anyone in this course) are very welcome to Mexico*.

    Good luck, Marie! Have a wonderful time!

    *meals, transportation (accommodations if wanted) and friend by free!!!

  5. Hi, girls!

    It's so sweet what you've said! I'll be dreaming about traveling to your places. And you're warmly welcome to Russia*!

    bears, caviar and well-known Russian hospitality are at your disposal)))
